

Standing as paragon







1 中國古代壁畫略說

An Overview of Ancient Chinese Murals


2 亞洲視野中的秦兵馬俑

The Qin Terra-cotta Army in a Pan-Asian Perspective


3 論漢代墓室壁畫的功能

On the Function of Han Dynasty Tomb Murals


4 引魂靈璧

The Bi-disk as a Conduit of the Soul


5 孔子師老子

“Confucius Meets Laozi” in Han Art


6 漢畫陰陽主神考

A Study of Principal Deities of Yin-Yang Forces in Han Pictorial Art


7 中國中古時期墓葬中的天界表象——東亞的比較視野

Representations of Celestial Spheres in Medieval Chinese Tombs: A Comparative East Asian Approach


8 從沙嶺壁畫墓北魏平城時期的喪葬美術

A Painted Tomb at Shaling and Northern Wei Funerary Art of the Pingcheng Period


9 再論石材——以北朝墓葬為中心

Rethinking Stone as Material with a Focus on Northern Dynasties Tombs


10 現(xiàn)實與理想之間——安伽、史君墓石刻圖像的思考

Between Reality and Ideal: A Reflection on the Stone Carvings in the Tombs of An Qie and Master Shi


11 逝者的“面具”——再論北周康業(yè)墓石棺床畫像

The “Masks” of the Dead: A Reexamination of the Pictorial Carvings on the Stone Funerary Couch from Kang Ye’s Tomb of the Northern Zhou


12 隋唐墓葬藝術中的佛教文化因素——以唐陵神道石柱為例

Buddhist Elements in Sui and Tang Funerary Art as Seen on the Stone Columns along the Spirit Paths in Tang Mausoleums


13 唐代花鳥畫研究新視野——墓葬材料引發(fā)的思考

A New Vista in the Study of Tang Dynasty Bird-and-Flower Paintings: Ideas Inspired by Funerary Evidence


14 圖像與儀式——宋金仿木構磚雕壁畫墓圖像題材探析

Images and Ceremonies: Decorative Motifs in Painted Brick Tombs of the Song-Jin Period withImitation-Timber Structures


15 勉世與娛情——宋金墓葬壁畫中的一桌二椅到夫婦共坐

Moral Instruction and Entertainment: From the One-Table/Two-Chairs Motif to the Joint Portraits of Husband and Wife in Song-Jin Tomb Murals


16 空間邏輯與視覺意味——宋遼金墓“婦人啟門”圖新論

Spatial Logic and Visual Significance: Reinterpreting Images Representing Women in Half-Open Doors in Song, Liao, and Jin Tombs


17 蒙元壁畫墓時代特征初探——兼論登封王上等壁畫墓的年代

A Preliminary Study of Period Characteristics of Yuan-Dynasty Painted Tombs, with a RelatedDiscussion on the Dates of Painted Tombs at Dengfeng, Wangshang, and Other Sites



1 墓中古物:以玉琮為例

Antiques in Tombs: The Case of the Jade Cong


2 墓室壁畫的發(fā)源地再議

A Review of the Birthplace of Chinese Tomb Murals


3 漢帝國及其北方鄰國:異域魅惑

The Han Empire and its Northern Neighbours: The Fascination of the Exotic

Jessica Rawson (牛津大學

4 河南淮陽北關1號漢墓殘畫像石及相關問題

The Fragmentary Stone Relief Excavated from Han-Dynasty Tomb No.1 of Beiguan, Huaiyang, Henan Province and Relevant Issues


5 冥間鬼怪:戰(zhàn)國和秦漢過渡期圖像觀的變化

The Presence of the Invisible: Changing Attitudes towards Images during the Warring States and Qin-Han Transition

來國龍(Florida University)

6 交通幽明--西漢諸侯王墓中的祭祀空間

Mediating the Dead and the Living: The Sacrificial Space in Western Han Princely Tombs


7 漢墓穹窿頂研究

The Dome of Heaven in Han tombs

Lukas Nickel(倫敦大學)

8 重訪樓閣

Revisiting the Pavilion


9 從中國到埃及:理解異族人葬禮

From China to Egypt: Making sense of Foreigner Burials

Sascha Priewe(大英博物館亞洲部,中國藏品主管、韓國藏品協(xié)調(diào)主管)

10 關于北魏石棺床圖像與功能的再思

Rethink the Images and Function of the Stone Couches in the Northern Wei Dynasty



Image of Four Gods and Twelve Zodiac in the Murals of Ancient Japanese Tombs -With Takamatsu and Kitora Tombs as Emphasis


12 隋唐墓出土的“古鏡”——兼論隋唐銅鏡圖文的復古問題

Antique Mirror Excavated from Sui and Tang Tombs—also on the Inclination of Restoring Ancient Ways in the Decorative Patterns and Inions on Sui and Tang Bronze Mirrors


13 石槨線刻與粉本的形成方式——唐陵墓壁畫圖像來源的探討

Formation of the engravings and draft of Sarcophagus ——Discussion on the source of Mural Imagery in Tang Mausoleums


14 墓主夫婦“開芳宴”與唐宋墓葬風氣之變

Kaifang Banquet of the Tomb Occupant Couple and the Changes of Burial Practices during the Tang and Song Dynasties


15 寶山遼墓三題

Three Aspects of the Liao Tombs at Baoshan

巫鴻 (芝加哥大學)

16 論“半啟門”

The "Half-Open Door" Image in Traditional Chinese Funerary Art


17 全真藝術與中國古代墓室壁畫的衰落

The Art of Quanzhen Taoism and the Decline of Chinese Tomb Murals


18 明清帝陵的石供桌

The stone altar in Ming and Qing mausoleums

姚進莊(西雅圖美術館、福斯特基金會 )

19 漢畫作為“圖”的八種意義

The Eight Meanings of Han Arts as “Images”



1 發(fā)現(xiàn)“宮臧”作品——對秦始皇陵一批陶俑的新認識

The Seal of “Gong Zang”: A New Study on the Pottery Figurines in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor


2 墓門與天門——從陜北東漢墓門到馬王堆帛畫的一個綜合考察

Tomb Doors and Heaven’s Gate: A Review from the Tomb Doors of the Eastern Han from Shanbei to the Mawangdui Tomb Silk Banner.

李清泉 (廣州美術學院)

3 仙馬、天馬與車馬:漢鏡紋飾拾遺

Immortal Horses, Heavenly Horses, and Chariot Horses: Notes on the Decoration of the Mirrors in Han China

曾藍瑩 (紐約大學古代世界研究所)

4 “超細讀”: 馬王堆一號墓中的龍、璧圖像

A “Super Close Reading” of Images of the Dragon and Bi-disk in Mawangdui Tomb No. 1

巫鴻 (芝加哥大學東亞藝術中心)

5 家族的延續(xù):四川東漢崖墓的結構特點

Continuity of a Family: Characteristics of the Eastern Han Cliff Tomb Structure in Sichuan

陳軒 (牛津大學考古系博士在讀)

6 小橫山南朝畫像磚墓管窺

A Painted Brick Tomb of the Southern Dynasty in Xiao Heng Shan

韋正 (北京大學考古文博學院)

7 洞房石室與珉床雕戶——北朝墓室與佛教窟龕的關聯(lián)及南北關系試析

A Stone Chamber and its Decoration: An Analysis of the Relationship between the Tombs of the Northern Dynasty and the Buddhist Caves in the South and North China.

吳桂兵 (南京學歷史學系)

8 守望死者:波士頓美術館藏 北魏石棺床復原和視覺空間研究

Beholding the Dead: Reconstruction of the Stone Couch of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the Study of Its Visual Space

徐津 (芝加哥大學博士在讀)

9 陵寢制度中百濟和高句麗的陵寺性格和遺址特征——與中國南北朝時代陵寺比較為中心

The Characteristic of Baekje and Koguryo Buddhist Temples around Tombs in the Mausoleum System Compared with Tombs of the Southern and Northern Dynasties

梁銀景 (韓國釜山大學)

10 高句麗壁畫墓所表現(xiàn)的祖先祭祀類型與墓葬建筑和裝飾之關系

The Embodiment of Ancestor Worship within the Funerary Architecture and Decoration of Koguryo Tombs

樸雅林 (淑明女子大學)

11 唐墓壁龕

On Tang Tomb Niches

劉昭慧 (普林斯頓大學東亞研究系)

12 西安地區(qū)新發(fā)現(xiàn)的唐墓壁畫述評

A Review of the Recently Discovered Wall Paintings of Tang Tombs in Xi’an

程旭 (陜西歷史博物館壁畫保護修復研究中心)

13 “恒在”中的葬儀:宋元時期中原墓葬中的儀禮時間

Funeral in the Permanent Present: Ritual Time in Middle-Period Tombs of North China

洪知希 (雪城大學)

14 門窗、桌椅及其他:宋元磚雕壁畫墓的模式與傳統(tǒng)

Doors, Windows, Tables, Chairs and Others: The Pattern and Tradition of the Tile Carving and Wall Painting during the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

劉未 (人民大學歷史學系)

15 夕陽西下——讀興縣紅峪村元代武慶夫婦墓壁畫札記

As the Sun Sets: Notes on the Yuan Dynasty Wall Painting in Wu Qing and His Wife’s Tomb in Hong Yu Village, Xing Xian

鄭巖 (中央美術學院)

16 四川北部片區(qū)明清墓碑建筑考察報告

A Report on the Tombstones in Ming and Qing Tombs

羅曉歡 (重慶師范大學美術學院)

17 漢代墓葬圖像著錄的術語與專詞研究

A Study on the Terminology of Images in Tombs of the Han Dynasty

朱青生 (北京大學)


第一場 結構和方法

Section 1:Structure & Methodology

1 關于墓葬問題研究的框架結構

Research Frameworksfor the Analysis of Tombs

朱青生與漢畫研究所 (北京大學歷史系)

2 墓室的建筑空間:從視覺性的“像”到物質(zhì)性的“想象”

Architectural Space of Tombs: From Visual “Image” to Material “Imagination”

3 “技術美術史”視野下的中古墓葬陶俑

Medieval Ceramic Tomb Sculpture from the Perspective of "Technical Art History"

王玉冬 (廣州美術學院)

第二場 中外陵墓研究

Section 2 Tomb Studies in China and Other Countries

4 托勒密埃及神廟與陵墓的趨同

Convergence of Forms of Egyptian Temples and Tombs the in Ptolemaic Dynasty

顏海英 (北京大學歷史系)

5 戰(zhàn)國中山王墓研究:一種藝術史的視角

The Zhongshan Imperial Mausoleums of the Warring States Period: A Study from the Perspective of Art History

莫陽 (中國社會科學院考古研究所)

第三場 漢代墓葬的建筑與圖像

Section 3 Architecture and Pictorial Imagery in Han Period Tombs

6 關于漢代磚室墓營造的幾點問題

The Emergence of Brick Architecture in Han China

倪克魯 (倫敦大學亞非學院)

7 渠縣漢闕的初步調(diào)查

A Preliminary Investigation of “Que” Towers of the Han Dynasty in Quxian County

秦臻 (四川美術學院

8 《漢畫總錄》南陽卷未發(fā)材料和未來處理方案

Report:Unpublished Materials for the Catalogue of Han Art (Nanyang)and Plans for Future Publication


第四場 六朝墓葬中的繪畫與文字

Section 4 Paintings and Inions in Tombs of the Six Dynasties Period

9 六朝墓葬中的反書銘文現(xiàn)象

“Mirror Writing” in Tombs of the Six Dynasties Period


10 線刻、石材與畫風——芝加哥藝術博物館藏石棺床圍屏研究

Line Carving, Material and Style: A Study of Two Mortuary Stone Panels inthe Art Institute of Chicago

徐津 (芝加哥大學)

11 讀國博新入藏北朝房形槨札記

Interpreting Notes on the Newly Acquired House-shaped Outer Coffin in the National Museum of China


第五場 唐代墓葬與繪畫史

Section 5 Tang Dynasty Tombs and the History of Chinese Painting

12 唐代的掛畫和仿掛畫墓葬壁畫——兼談立軸的起源

Tang Dynasty Hanging Paintings and Their Imitations in Tomb Murals: With Additional Thoughts on the Origin of Hanging Scrolls

巫鴻 (芝加哥大學東亞藝術中心)

13 唐代山水畫風格蠡測——以墓葬出土圖像為主要依據(jù)

Tang Dynasty Landscape PaintingStyle: A Preliminary Inquiry Based on Excavated Images


14 唐韓休墓壁畫樂舞圖的語言與意象

The Language and Imagery of Dancing and Music Scene in the Tang Dynasty Murals of the Han Xiu Tomb

鄭巖 (中央美術學院)

第六場 唐代墓葬與物質(zhì)文化

Section 6 Tomb and Material Culture of Tang Dynasty

15 法門寺真身寶塔地宮出土“隨求”與舍利瘞埋制度

The “Sui Qiu” Excavated in the Underground Palace of the Famen Pagoda and Relic Burial Customs

霍巍 (四川大學)

16 媒材的競爭:唐三彩與唐代墓葬制度

Rivalryof material and medium:Tang Three-color Glazed Pottery and the Burial System of the Tang Dynasty

徐胭胭 (清華大學美術學院)

第七場 宋元墓葬美術與觀念

Section 7 The Art of Song and Yuan Dynasties Tombs and their Conceptualization

17 墓葬與死者之間——叩問壺關上好牢1號墓的話語邏輯

Between the Tomb and the Dead:The Language Logic of Shanghaolao Tomb No.1, in Huguan County


18 死生之間——小議蒙元時期墓室營造中的陰陽互動

Life and Death: A Study of the Interaction between the Living and the Dead in the Construction of Tombs of Mongol-Yuan Period



第一場 墓葬美術的方法與技術

Section 1: Methods and Technologies of Tomb Arts

1 地上和地下之間:重新考慮“墓葬”的含義

Between the Aboveground and Underground: Reconsidering the Implications of “Tomb”


2 唐代墓俑的制度與想象

Regulations and Imagination of Tang Funerary Figurines


3 漢畫總錄沂南卷編輯

Compiling the Catalogue of Han Art (Yinan Volumes)


4 數(shù)字化變革對漢畫研究的影響和思考

Reflection for Impacts of Digital Innovations on Han Art Studies


第二場 禮儀、文字與美術

Section 2: Rituals, Words, and Arts

5 荊牢與特?!艽郎w系的變革

“Jinglao” and “Teniu”: The Transformation of Sacrificial Rites of the Zhou Dynasty


6 從“衣物簡”到衣物疏——遣策與西漢的喪葬禮儀

From "Clothes Strips" to Yiwushu: Western Han Inventories and Funerary Rites


7 楚墓神煞中的太一出行

Taiyi Chuxing (The Grand One Sets Out an Errand) in the Chu Tombs’ Shensha Figurines


8 永恒的代價——漢墓美術中的“變形記”

The Cost for Eternality: “Metamorphosis” in the Tomb Arts of the Han Dynasty


第三場 文化交流與比較

Section 3: Cultural Exchanges and Comparisons

9 西漢時期中原地區(qū)的異族墓葬

Non-Chinese Tombs in China’s Central Plain during the Western Han


10 昭陵十四蕃君長像的形塑

Shaping the Sculptures of Fourteen Tribal Chiefs in Zhao Mausoleum


11 寂路回響——烏爾“琴語”及蘇美爾葬儀初探

The Sound of Silence: The Musical and Pictorial “Languages” of the Ur Lyres and Some Preliminary Thoughts on Sumerian Burial Rites


12 孝子與山水——論元代墓葬中的孝行故事圖

Filial Sons and Landscape Settings: Illustrations of Filial Paragons in Yuan Tombs


第四場 中古繪畫的新視野

Section 4: New Visions in the Middle-Period Paintings

13 徐州白集漢墓“趙氏孤兒”內(nèi)容畫像石的甄別及其意義

Discerning the Stone Relief Image of “the Orphan Zhao” from a Han Tomb in Baiji, Xuzhou, and its significance


14 河北平山縣王母村唐代崔氏墓的發(fā)現(xiàn)

The Discovery of the Chui Tomb of the Tang Dynasty in the Wangmu Village, Pingshan County, Hebei, and Related Research


15 心橋——墓葬美術中的一個“連接”符號及其兩端

The Mind Bridge—A “Linking” Sign and Its Two Ends in Tomb Arts


16 五星入地——江蘇溧陽北宋李彬墓與唐宋五星鎮(zhèn)墓信仰

Five Stars Entering the Ground: The Tomb of Li Bin from the Northern Song Dynasty in Liyang, Jiangsu, and the Belief of Five Stars in Protecting Tombs from the Evil during the Tang-Song Period.


第五場 身份、區(qū)域及其他

Section 5: Identity, Region, and Others

17 反思宋代“文人墓”

Reconsidering Song “Literati Tombs”


18 死亡藝術的地域性建構——遼代西京的喪葬文化

Localizing the Art of Death: Funerary Culture in the Western Capital during the Liao Dynasty


19 死后的行營——遼慶東陵中的四季山水圖再議

Camp for Posthumous Life: Spatial Conceptions of the Liao Imperial Tomb

陸騏( 北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校)

20 龍缸與烏盆——器物中的靈與肉

Dragon Jar and Black Basin: The Soul and Flesh Inhabited in Utensils



1 兩周墓隨葬青銅編鐘管見

A New Insight into the Bronze Chian-bells Buried for the Tombs in the Zhou Dynasty


2 北齊婁叡墓墓道壁畫再思考

Reconsideration about the Murals in the Tomb Tunnel of Lou Rui, the Northern Qi Dynasty


3 東漢人形木牘與鎮(zhèn)墓符箓

A Human-shaped Wooden Slip and Tomb-quelling Talismans of the Eastern Han Dynasty


4 高禖圖像再讀:方相氏作為引路神

A Rereading of the Images Related to Gaomei: Fangxiangshi as the Guiding Deity


5 大英博物館藏漢代人像磚柱出土時地與性質(zhì)功能

The Burial Context and Function of the Human-Shaped Brick Pillar from the Han Dynasties in British Museum Collections


6 從相關個案探討漢代建筑圖像研究方法

Research Methodology on Architectural Image of the Han Dynasty with Cases Study


7 凝固之氣:博山爐形名再思考

Solidified Qi Clouds: A Reinterpretation of the Form and Name of Boshan Incense Burner


8 漢代墓葬的觀念結構和形相邏輯——和林格爾壁畫墓再認識

Conceptual Structure and Image Logic of Tombs in Han Dynasty: Rethinking Tomb Helinge'er


9 升仙還是成佛?—北魏平城墓葬的空間設計與圖像選擇

To be Immortal or Buddha? —the Space Design and Image Selection of Tombs at the Capital of Earlier North Wei Dynasty (4th century)


10 馬王堆一號漢墓帛畫三題

Three Topics on Silk Painting of Mawangdui Tomb No.1


11 磚上的“畫框”:試論襄陽南朝畫像磚墓的年代問題

Frame on the Brick: A Discussion on the Age of the Brick-Chambered Tombs in Xiangyang


12 何嗟夭壽——李靜訓墓的情感表達

“Alas, how sad it is that your life was truncated”—Emotion in the Li Jingxun Tomb


13 唐燕妃墓屏風壁畫相關問題的討論

Study about the Murals of Screen in the Tomb of Yan Concubine,Tang Dynasty


14 山西壺關上好牢1號墓話語邏輯的再考察——以相撲圖和雜劇演樂圖為核心

Whoes Story Is It?: Re-contexualizing A Tomb at Shanghaolao, Huguan, Shanxi Province, by Focusing on Two Subject Maters of Murals from It


15 山西壺關上好牢宋墓的裝飾、色彩與空間研究

Research on the Decoration, Color and Space in the Tomb of the Song Dynasty in Shanghaolao Village, Huguan, Shanxi


16 何以為古?——從北宋呂大臨墓出土的一對石敦談起

How to Return to the Ancients and Present the Past?--Examples from A Pair of Stone Dui Excavated in the Tomb of Lv Dalin


17 鏡像:湖南長沙“劉氏七娘”鏡研究

Mirror Images: A Study of the Liu Qiniang Mirror from Hunan Changsha


18 金扇:明代墓葬與中日交流

Golden Fan:Ming Dynasty Tomb and China-Japan Exchange


19 從紙扎明宅到石刻陰宅:重新思考十九世紀陜西大荔李氏家族墓的視覺性

From Paper House to Stone House: Rethinking Visuality of Dali Li Clan Tombs in Shaanxi during the Nineteenth Century


20 觸覺景象:重建中古中國墓葬空間的閾限性

Tactile Vision: Reconfiguring the Liminality of Burial Space in Middle-Period China


21 考古和美術史?學科方法的反省

Archaeology and Art History? – Reflections on Disciplinary Methods


22 作為方法論的墓葬

Tomb As Methodology




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