

導(dǎo)讀:國(guó)外英語(yǔ)旅游景點(diǎn)介紹網(wǎng)站(國(guó)內(nèi)著名的旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)) 旅游英語(yǔ)介紹!!!!!!急!!!!!!! 請(qǐng)問(wèn)大家知不知道關(guān)于介紹廣東旅游景點(diǎn)的英語(yǔ)網(wǎng)站?就是給外國(guó)人介紹廣東景點(diǎn)的那種? 有專門(mén)用英文介紹中國(guó)各旅游景點(diǎn)的網(wǎng)站嗎? 國(guó)外著名旅游網(wǎng)站 國(guó)外旅游景點(diǎn)介紹 我需要一份旅游景點(diǎn)介紹。最好是國(guó)外的?。ㄓ⒄Z(yǔ)的)急急急



England is a beautiful country, the cultural relic historical site everywhere, the natural scenery beautiful may meal, the traveling resources are rich. Many cities, like "flowers of the ten thousand cities" London, "north Athens" Edinburgh, Oxford, Cambridge, the antique York city, hometown Stratford all is has the world prestige the traveling famous city. England also wards off has the lake district and so on several dozens country parks and the scenery protectorate. At present, is included by the United Nations the world culture and the natural heritage scenic spot historical site and the natural landscrape has 14, namely the London tower, (the Congress building), the cloth roentgen Heym palace (nearby Oxford), the Kanter uncle thunder host church, the Buss city, Salisbury suburb megalith and so on the vestige, the iron bridge canyon (west of wool fertile Hampton), Fang Tingsi the monastery and the botanical garden (York by north), Dallam's cathedral and the ancient castle, the Harder good Great Wall (area Newcastle), Gwynedd's castle group (area the Welsh Carnarvon), Scotland's saint Kiel reaches the archipelago, North blue likes "road of the giant" being with Pacific Ocean's on England enjoys the German woods coral island. Their rich characteristic, does without authorization its to be long respectively, all is receives the tourist to favor extremely goes sightseeing the hot spot.





旅游景點(diǎn) tourist attraction; tourist destination; scenic spot; places of tourist


自然景觀 natural splendor/attraction

避暑勝地 summer resort

國(guó)家公園 national park

出土文物 unearthed cultural relics

古建筑群 ancient architectural complex

陵墓 emperor"s mausoleum/tomb

古墓 ancient tomb

洞穴 cave

石筍 stalagmite

鐘乳石 stalactite

石窟 grotto

壇 altar

亭 pavilion

臺(tái) terrace

廊 corridor

樓 tower; mansion

庵 Buddhist nunnery

江河湖泊 rivers and lakes

池潭 ponds and pools

堤 causeway

舫 boat

榭 pavilion;house on a terrace

水榭 waterside pavilion/house

琉璃瓦 glazed tile

城堡 castle

教堂 church;cathedral

宮殿 palace;hall;chamber

皇城 imperial city

行宮 temporary imperial palace for brief stays

御花園 imperial garden

四大金剛 the Four Guardians

十八羅漢 the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha

甲骨文 inscription on oracle bones

青銅器 bronze ware

景泰藍(lán) cloisonne enamel

手工藝品 artifact;handicrafts

蘇繡 Suzhou embroidery

唐三彩 tricolor-glazed pottery;ceramics of the Tang Dynasty

字畫(huà)卷軸 scroll of calligraphy and painting

國(guó)畫(huà) traditional Chinese painting


the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study including writing

brushes, ink sticks, ink stones and paper

工藝精湛,獨(dú)具匠心 exquisite workmanship with an original/ingenious design

湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills

依山傍水 enclosed/surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the


景色如畫(huà) picturesque views

湖石假山 lakeside rocks and rockeries

清水秀 beautiful mountains and clear waters

誘人景色 inviting views

園林建筑 garden architecture

佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountain

絲綢之路 the Silk Road/Route










這些旅游網(wǎng)站還是很好的 見(jiàn)去你去看看哦

希望能給你幫助 呵呵··













Founded on July 16, 1790, Washington DC is unique among American cities because it was established by the Constitution of the United States to serve as the nation’s capital. From its beginning, it has been embroiled in political maneuvering, sectional conflicts and issues of race, national identity, compromise and, of course, power. The choice of Washington’s site along the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers resulted from a compromise between Alexander Hamilton and northern states who wanted the new federal government to assume Revolutionary War debts, and Thomas Jefferson and southern states who wanted the capital placed in a location friendly to slave-holding agricultural interests. George Washington, the first president and namesake of the city, chose the site and appointed three commissioners to help prepare for the arrival of the new government in 1800. Pierre Charles L’Enfant designed the city as a bold new capital with sweeping boulevards and ceremonial spaces reminiscent of Paris in his native France. Benjamin Banneker, a self-taught African American mathematical genius, provided the astronomical calculations for surveying and laying out the city. The full development of Washington as a monumental city, however, did not come until a hundred years later when the McMillan Commission updated its plan to establish the National Mall and monuments that most visitors to Washington now know. During the War of 1812, most of the city was burned to the ground. British forces invaded the city and burned public and government buildings, including the White House, in response to American forces invading York, now known as Toronto, and burning most of it to the ground. However, the British left the residential areas untouched and also spared the home of the Commandant of the Marines, located on Marine Barracks, as a sign of respect. It is now the oldest government building in continuous use in the nation's capital. The Patent Office and the Post Office were also spared because of Dr. William Thornton, Superintendent of Patents, pleading with British officers that the knowledge lost therein would be a disservice to mankind. As a southern city, Washington has always had a significant African American population. Before the Civil War, the city was home to a growing number of free blacks who worked as skilled craftsmen, hack drivers, businessmen and laborers. It also included enslaved African Americans and was the site of slave auctions before they were outlawed in the city in 1850. Slaves owned in Washington were emancipated on April 16, 1862, nine months before Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of Jan. 1, 1863. Washington remained home to a large African American population who created vibrant communities and championed civil rights despite racial segregation and prejudice. Duke Ellington was born and raised in Washington’s Shaw neighborhood and played in his first band here. Washington, DC was envisioned by its founders as a commercial center as well as the seat of government. The location on the Potomac River was chosen, in part, because it already included two existing port towns of Georgetown, Md., and Alexandria, Va., which served as regional shipping centers for tobacco and wheat. When Alexandria returned to Virginia in 1846, residents argued that inclusion within the Federal District of Columbia hurt business and the city of Washington would never need that much room to grow. But after the Civil War, Washington did grow, eventually absorbing Georgetown and the surrounding farms and rural areas beyond L’Enfant’s original plans for the city. The initial boundary of Washington City was Florida Avenue, originally called Boundary Street. The first neighborhoods were those that grew up around the Capitol (Capitol Hill), the Center Market (Downtown), and the White House (Lafayette Square). The expansion of streetcar lines in the mid-19th century spurred creation of new suburbs. Two early suburbs, LeDroit Park and Anacostia, both began as developments that excluded African Americans and later became predominantly Afri can American communities. Wars and national events have always resulted in the growth of the federal government and increases in population. During the Civil War, Washington was an armed encampment with soldiers bivouacked everywhere and public buildings serving as hospitals. Bread for soldiers was baked in ovens located on the White House grounds. During World War II, "government girls" were recruited to fill office jobs to replace men who had gone to war. Washington is also a cosmopolitan city. While it has always had foreign delegations from the countries of the world, it also boasts an increasingly diverse ethnic population. A growing Latino population represents every Central and South American country with a particularly large community of Salvadorans. A large Ethiopian population has resulted from the political turmoil there. New ethnic groups have brought new restaurants, as well as new residents. While DC lost residents to surrounding suburbs in the 1990s, new housing and urban revitalization is now attracting people back to the city for a downtown renaissance of housing, offices, entertainment and nightlife. As the capital of the world’s most powerful democracy, it is ironic that residents of Washington lack full self-government and limited self-government was only restored in 1974 after nearly 100 years with an appointed commissioner system. Representation in Congress is limited to a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives and a shadow senator. 1964 was the first Presidential election in which Washington residents were able to vote. After more than 200 years as the nation’s capital, Washington is brimming with a unique history of its own. It has developed as a complex and layered city with multiple personalities. As home to the federal government, it has attracted a diverse mix of government workers, members of Congress from every state, foreign emissaries, lobbyists, petitioners and protestors. While elected and appointed officials come and go giving the city its reputation as a transient community, many of the city’s residents have called Washington home for multiple generations. Their stories give Washington its distinctive character as both a national and local city. - See more at:


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